
Basic search instructions
- Type 1 or 2 search terms in the search field
- A space between the 2 words
- no characters
- All words (AND): both search terms must appear in the documents.
- Any word (OR): 1 of the search terms must appear in the documents.

Advanced search instructions
- Enter a search term in each search field
- For publication years, choose “Publication year” at “in field”
- Use the Boolean Operators AND, OR and NOT separately or in combination with each other.
- AND: the search terms must appear in the documents.
- OR: 1 of the search terms must appear in the documents.
- NOT: the specified search term(s) must not appear in the documents.
- Use the Index on the right of your screen.

Library locations
Below is a list of the libraries with associated library codes

- Algemene Onderwijs Bibliotheek (SRAOB)
- Anton de Kom Universiteit van Suriname (SRUvS / SRUvS (Speciale Collectie))
- De Nationale Assemblee (SRDNA)
- Nationaal Archief Suriname (SRNAS)
- Juridische Bibliotheek Suriname “Mr. K.C. Gonçalves” (SRJUR)
- Nationaal Herbarium van Suriname SRBBS
- Nationaal Instituut Milieu & Ontwikkeling in Suriname (NIMOS) (SRNIMOS)
- Nationale Zoologische Collectie Suriname (SRNZCS)
- Stichting Cultureel Centrum Suriname (SRCCS)
- Stichting Planbureau Suriname (SRSPS)
- Stichting Surinaams Museum (SRSSM)
- Cultuurstudies, MINOWC (SRCUL)
- Hof van Justitie (Griffie) (SRHVJ)
- Instituut voor de Opleiding van Leraren (SRIOL)
- Documentatiecentrum EUFRIE (SRNAKS)

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